chris Modavis


During Chris’ classes…

you can feel free to let your guard down, to be yourself, and to fully let go while allowing the practice of yoga to fill you up as needed.  They are just a simple reminder to use the tools, that you’ve had since birth, to find strength, balance, and flexibility, within the body and the mind.   

The practice of yoga is meant to help you feel open and grounded.  Yoga literally means union and the idea of the practice is just that. To reunite the mind, the body, and the soul, to one present moment.  This is where we find calm. This is where we can begin to once again find our true nature.  This is how we create space inside so that we can be open to new information, new ideas, new thought patterns, new adventures, and see through new eyes.  

Sometimes the speed and structure of life can hold us in a tight form.  The constant rushing and monotony  can put us on a set of rails that allows every day (the schedule) to look the same.  It is this that lets time fly by so quickly.  The train will go faster and faster until, one day, we’ll look back and wonder what the heck just happened?!

The practice of yoga allows us to slow the train down, to step off once in a while, and to look around and enjoy your surroundings (life) in the present moment and just breathe.  This is what children do.  This is what mammals do. This is what we do in all the greatest moments and memories of our lives. This is how we were meant to be.  

Chris’ classes are a constant reminder to slow down and breathe, to feel, and to listen.  When we allow ourselves to let go of the things we no longer need, we give ourselves the opportunity to search within. We can tap into our inner child, we can re-ignite our passions, and we can begin to remember what it means to truly live again.